Choices NZ provides 1:1 and small group mentoring and coaching to assist and encourage you to manage your own learning, develop your skills and maximise your independence.
We want to discover what it is you like to do and help you to do it.
Choices NZ will work with you to help you become more involved in your community:
- Developing your social networks to connect with individuals and groups with common interests including bringing people with mutual interests together – as well as maintaining the relationships that you already have with friends, family and whānau
- Working with you to access community services – developing plans and strategies so you can access the things available to everyone in your local community, like sports clubs, community groups and libraries
Where is this service available?
This service is available for people living in the Manawatu region.
Next steps
Choices NZ staff will work alongside you to help you achieve your goals.
Contact your local Choices NZ Facilitator/Life Coach through Our staff. For more information call 0800 723 154 or email
Visit our Accessing our services webpage for further information.